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Thesis Work 

Mangrove forest structure in Nusa Lembongan, Bali

and Bangka, North Sulawesi in Indonesia

Zoë Shribman


Nusa Lembongan, Bali and Bangka Island, North Sulawesi are islands that support large areas of natural mangrove forest.  Mangrove swamps are incredibly critical ecosystems that impact both local and global environments, as well as the people who live in their proximity. However, little is known about the forest structure of the trees in these locations, and the forests have not yet been critically examined in many publications.  This research consists of a survey of the mangrove trees across Nusa Lembongan and Bangka Island. In the summer of 2015, in Nusa Lembongan, the AEI Indonesia 2015 team developed an experimental design in which they collected data that included seedling counts, species identification of the trees (categories: seedling, sapling, pole and adult), and measurements of the diameter breast height (DBH) of each tree.  Data was collected in the summer of 2016, in North Sulawesi, and the AEI 2016 team with the work of thesis student Zoë Shribman, is analyzing and comparing these two natural mangrove forests.  There are comparisons that can be made along the transects (coastal to inland gradient), along the islands (North to South), between the islands (Lembongan and Bangka), and between tree life stages and tree species. These results will lead toward an understanding of species diversity, distribution and overall forest structure. Investigating the biodiversity and structure of the forests on these islands has important implications in terms of the significance of localized forest inventory understanding, as well as relevance throughout the entire Indonesian archipelago and other tropical regions where mangroves are present. 

AEI Indonesia Program Publications and Presentations of Research


June, 2015- Unika Soegijapranata: Presentation (given in Indonesian)

Penelitian Bakau di Desa Tapak (Mangrove Research in Tapak Village), Dr. Andrew Chittick, Alex Creed, Dr. Jeannine Lessmann, Andréa Martin, Zoë Shribman, Colleen O’Brien, Cleo Warner, Sarah Weimert


February, 2016- GreenBiz and Round Earth Media: Published Article

This small island offers big lessons on clean power, Alex Creed and Cleo Warner


March, 2016- ASIANetwork Conference: Panel Session

Developing Environmental Field Sites with Asian Partner Institutions: Working with Students on Mangrove Research in Indonesia. Organizer and Chair: Dr. Andrew Chittick; Presenter: Dr. Jeannine M. Lessmann; Student participant: Zoë Shribman


April, 2016- Eckerd College Student Research Symposium: Poster Presentation

Mangrove forest structure in Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia, Zoë Shribman, Dr. Jeannine M. Lessmann, Dr. Andrew Chittick


April, 2016- Florida Southern College Marine Science Symposium: Poster Presentation

Mangrove forest structure in Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia, Zoë Shribman, Dr. Jeannine M. Lessmann, Dr. Andrew Chittick


April, 2016- Eckerd College Humanities Symposium: Multimedia Presentation

A holistic approach to understanding local environmental issues in Indonesia: bridging oral history research and scientific exploration, Zoë Shribman and Andréa Martin

June, 2016 - Soegijapranata Catholic University

Research presentation given in Indonesia Menilai Penanaman Mangrove di Tambak Tapak (Assessing Mangrove Planting of the Fish Ponds of Tapak), Dr. Jeannine M. Lessmann, Aidan Browne, Anna-Sophie Hoppe, Viki Seligman, Zoë Shribman, Erica Wirth

July, 2016 - Pulau Bangka Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Bangka Island Middle School),

lass presentation Hutan Bakau (Mangrove Forests), Dr. Jeannine M. Lessmann, Aidan Browne, Anna-Sophie Hoppe, Viki Seligman, Zoë Shribman, Erica Wirth

Media Appearances 

Zoë Shribman collecting data with teammates in mangrove forest
Bangka Island of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Photos Credited to Felicia Edström
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